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The collection of work I have been assembling over the past three years mark a new beginning in my career as a ceramicist. These pieces have a clear and powerful style signature while also having their own individual characters.

My work is predominantly sculptural and inspired by the industrial landscape of England, a landscape that has provided the economic stability of my family for generations. The forms are inspired by industrial and engineering drawings and echo memories of industrial structures. The black stoneware clay that I use throughout all my work adds to this feeling of the manmade industrial object. The colours I select reflect those that litter my childhood memories of industrial sites. Colours and textures are applied to the surfaces to imitate decay and decline, the taking back by nature.

While industrial manmade forms are the inspiration point for my work, every piece I create is made with individual aesthetic care, I want to create works that are balanced and intriguing, work that do not require an explanation or for the viewer to fully understand the backstory in order to take pleasure out of looking at my work.

I have been involved with creative industries since graduating with Masters in Ceramics- 2008 (BA Ceramics- First Class 2007). Lecturing in further education, delivering art sessions within a charity, involved with a community gallery amongst other community projects.
I am currently focusing solely on developing my ceramics practice.

Future Factories
Recess Collection of 2024
Flat As Iron
The colour of light.
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